What is IPP?
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UNGRIPP's guide to the enactment of the legal changes relating to IPP in the Victims and Prisoners Act 2024.
Here, you can read the parliamentary activity that has taken place regarding the IPP sentence.
Here, you can read the media activity that has taken place regarding the IPP sentence.
Here, you can read the UN Special Rapporteur on torture's activity regarding the IPP sentence.
Here, you can find out more about the HMPPS IPP action plan and meetings relating to it.
Here, you can find out about UNGRIPP'S campaign activity that has taken place regarding the IPP sentence.
Here, you can read the quarterly newsletters that UNGRIPP has shared.
Here, you can find out about campaign activity that is due to take place regarding the IPP sentence.
Read our blog on IPP issues.
Here, you will find the most up to date campaign activity via the UNGRIPP twitter feed.
Find out ways that you can get involved and help to make some change.